Best Robot Books


Any robot lovers? We found a variety of robot books that are equally educational, entertaining, and beautifully written and illustrated. Here are some of our favourite kids books about robots:


Robots, Robots, Everywhere!
by Sue Fliess
illustrated by Bob Staake

Robots are everywhere from factory machines to the vacuum in your house. A great rhyming book opening your little ones eyes to where robots are.


Boy + Bot
by Anne Dyckman
illustrated by Dan Yaccarino

Boy and Bot become friends and begin to play. They take turns taking care of each other when one is off and the other is asleep. A sweet story with really bright and fun illustrations.


Bitty Bot
by Tim McCanna
illustrated by Tad Carpenter

A bedtime story about an energetic Bitty Bot that has trouble calming down to go to sleep but we find out that batteries do run low and slow down. We love the illustrations and the colours in this book are one of our favourite parts!


Make a ROBOT!
by Sago Mini

This mix-and-match book is a so fun and very interactive. Mix and match words, heads, torsos, and legs to make countless fun robots. Who will it be? Silly Janitor Dance-Bot? or Sleepy Superhero Skate-bot?


by Adam Rubin
illustrated by Daniel Salmieri

How can we turn humans into awesome robots? By created a Robo-Sauce of course! There is a cute recipe made of “a perfect blend of technology and magic”… and spoiler alert - it worked! The book has great hits of neon throughout the stunning and super cool illustrations. You need to unfold and flip the book upside down half way through to complete the story.

Anyone have a favourite robot book that we missed?