The Best Sleep Books for Kids - Guest Post: Julia Glowinski (Glow Sleep Services)


This is an exciting post because not only is it our first Guest Post it is also a Birthday Giveaway Post!
We’d like to introduce you to Julia Glowinski of Glow Sleep Services, registered social worker, specializing in sleep. Julia provides consulting and counselling services to provide support for children and youth with a wide range of sleep issues and disorders. Julia rounded up some of her favourite sleep books and paired them with a strategy to try while reading the book! Here are her faves:


I Am Peace
by Susan Verde
illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds

Oftentimes our worries, anxieties and negative thoughts surface at bedtime. While these feelings are complex, I Am Peace does an excellent job at bringing mindfulness and peaceful thoughts to children. A meaningful book to pair with 'Dream Cards.' Children can create and decorate 4 or 5 cards, each with one idea for a happy and peaceful dream. They can choose one before bed, to promote positive thoughts at bedtime.  


The Crown on Your Head
by Nancy Tillman

How magical for a child to fall asleep while dreaming of the invisible crown on their head. This whimsical story adds an element of comfort and confidence to bedtime. It makes for a special bedtime ritual of kissing the invisible crown on your little one's head, or perhaps an invisible cape around their neck. 

"On the day that we met and I put you to bed,
I noticed a crown on the top of your head.
It was made up of sparkling, glimmering things
like moonlight and fireflies, and dragonfly wings"


Babies Can Sleep Anywhere
by Lisa Wheeler

Puppy dogs sleep in a pile on a rug
Kitty cats snooze in a chair
A turtle tucks into his shell nice and snug
But babies can sleep anywhere

A rhyming and rhythmic book to lull little ones to sleep. A great book to bring on vacation, as a reminder to our little ones....and as a reassurance for us! 


Emily Brown and the Thing
by Cressida Cowell

Emily Brown and her beloved stuffed animal, Stanley, find a Thing crying outside their window. A classic role reversal story, in which the child is trying to sleep, but is being met with a Thing who is making endless bedtime demands. A perfect conversation-starter for a bedtime procrastinator and an excellent book to reinforce the love for your little one's own 'Stanley' as a comfort item and partner in crime.  


The Kissing Hand
By Audrey Penn
illustrated by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak

A sweet story for little ones struggling with separation at bedtime. Mother raccoon comforts her child by giving his paw a kiss with staying power. A perfect way to send off your child to dreamland, by tucking them into bed with a kiss that lasts all night. Wonderful for daycare/school drop-offs, as well. 


The Invisible String
by Patrice Karst
illustrated by Geoff Stevenson

A reassuring and comforting story for children experiencing separation - from those afraid of being in their rooms alone, to children whose parents are separated. A particularly comforting image for children experiencing grief and loss. A mother tells her twins of an invisible string that connects all those who love one another. The children take us on a journey of just how far the string can reach. 


The Night Box
by Louise Greig
illustrated by Ashling Lindsay

Nighttime arrives, and Max can't wait to unlock The Night Box. Out of the box, night whooshes through the room and takes us on a journey outside. When night gets sleepy, back it goes into the box, and morning comes to play. For children afraid of the dark or of nighttime, this book paints it in a less intimidating light. An excellent introduction to the idea that the night can be exciting and brave, and a great preface for a special nighttime walk with your child, to point out all the interesting shadows and sounds. 

Thanks Julia for being our first Guest Post!!
