Mom Talk with Amy of CAMP MOMS


In a few sentences (we know you don’t have much time!) tell us about yourself and your little ones…

My name is Amy, I’m a mother of 2 boys, Theo and Morgan ( 3 1/2 and 1 1/2). They are super energetic and wild boys- never a dull moment with them. 

I love anything 90’s (music, tv, clothing, movies..the list goes on)

Tell us all about Camp Moms and let us relive all our 90s tie dye summer camp memories:

Camp Moms originally started out by me making myself a bracelet with his name when my 1st son was born in 2016, no one noticed, no one cared. After I had my 2nd in 2018 I made myself another one to add and people started to notice and care. Again with the tie dye, made my 1st a bunch when I was pregnant and no one seemed to care! Did it with my 2nd and posted and people took notice!

I actually think you (Rayna) came over to get a bracelet and told me that I really needed to sell my tie dye, and then I did! 


What is one thing you couldn’t live without as a mom?
(your ultimate must-have!)

My phone - if anything just for the music or a podcast, a book or a good gossip site to get lost in.

What are your children’s current faves? 
(if it suddenly disappeared tomorrow - there would for sure be tears!)

CARS. My boys are both obsessed with anything related to vehicles. 

What are three things that you take everywhere with you … 
(diaper bag essentials - besides diapers!)

Wipes, lip smackers (you can still find them) and a hair elastic (I make a great “mom bun” elastic/ bracelet that always comes in hand).


Book Club

What is your favourite children’s book?
(a childhood fave or a post children discovery)

I love The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Any of the The First 100 series

Sharon, Lois and Bram’s Skinnamarink

And my friend Sarah, who I went to camp with wrote a couple of amazing children’s books that I love “The Hue in You” and “I am. Magical me!”

What are your children’s favourite books? (bet you can recite from memory!) 

My boys like first 100 trucks and things that go, I am a Garbage Truck and Down by the Bay.

Mini Style

What are your favourite places to shop for your babes?
(mostly online these days I’m sure!)

I love Zara, Parade organics (through amazon), lots of hand me downs, things I make them and I’ll treat myself for them at Mini Mioche.

What children’s clothing brand do you wish they made in your size?
(because let’s face it, we’ve all once thought “I wish this came in my size!”)

MINI MIOCHE! Would love to live in their onesies, especially during covid!

Mom Talk

What advice would you tell your pregnant self?
(if only you knew then..)

To just relax and enjoy being pregnant. I had a rough 1st pregnancy, was on bed rest the last 3 months of it and just wanted it to be done. And my 2nd pregnancy was normal, but horribly painful and he came 5 weeks early and we just weren’t prepared. So take your time to enjoy being pregnant , enjoy the silence and don’t take anyone’s advice :)

As a working mom, how do you find balance between work and motherhood?
(really is there such a thing?)

I had a hard time with that. Ask for help. Get the help if you can. And lots of late nights!

Who is your momspiration?
(it can be more than just one because there are so many superstars out there!)

I’ve met and became friends with a lot of people (Rayna being one). So I’ve been fortunate enough to meet people along this journey with me who want to collaborate, get advice or listen when you need to vent. Really it’s just any working mom who is my monspiration!

What has been your pandemic saviour?
(we need all the sanity tips!)

Lots of walks!!! I’ll throw them in the stroller and put one head phone on and listen to music as I walk. Also daycare opening up:)

Follow Amy on Instagram: @campmoms and visit her website:

Mom TalkRayna Schwartz