Mom Talk with Kena of All You Are


In a few sentences (we know you don’t have much time!) tell us about yourself and your little one…

My daughter is my little miracle baby after many challenging years. When my late husband passed away in 2014 I wasn’t sure if I would ever get to be a mom. I’d accepted the fact that I might just have to be ok with that. Many people can’t have kids and so I knew I wouldn’t be alone, but the thought was painful. But then I met my current husband, fell in love and quickly I was pregnant with my daughter Nova. She is our little star. I never take for granted what a miracle it is to bring a new human into the world and to be responsible for helping them thrive.


What is one thing you couldn’t live without as a mom?

Wipes! And it’s the one thing I often leave behind. They get dirty so fast and touch everything you wouldn’t with a ten foot pole and then I have massive mom anxiety about it. Always always have wipes!

What is one purchase that has been the biggest waste of money?

I could go on about this because it amazes me all the things people think they “need”. I always think about little babies who grow up happy and healthy in parts of the world that don’t have easy access to all our gadgets. BUT I also get that so many of the products on the market are to make mom’s life easier so I applaud that for sure. I would say a fancy change table. I preferred having a change mat and wipes in every room so I could just plop her down wherever we were and change her.

You’ve been there, done that… so what would you say… save or splurge?

Sleepers? Since they touch their skin directly, splurge. But there are lots of great organic options that aren’t too expensive now too.

Swaddles/blankets? Save on swaddles but splurge on 1-2 nice blankets.

Stroller? Definitely splurge

High chair? Save – they don’t use it for that long!

Diapers and wipes? Save on diapers, splurge on wipes.

Three things that are always in your diaper bag (besides diapers)?

Thankfully she is out of diapers now, but these are the things I always like to have on hand

1. Water – another thing I panic about is, am I giving her enough water? If you have it, you won’t forget to offer it to them

2. Snack – I get hungry often during the day and need snacks, so why would it be any different for my offspring? Haha!  And her “hangry” is much scarier than mine.

3. A random toy – it helps to be able to pull it out if you stop for coffee or a meal. It may not entertain them for long but it could give you a quick reprieve when you most need it.


Book Club

Which book could you recite from memory (aka. your child’s fave)?

My daughter loves this book called The Wheels on the Tuk Tuk about a riksha travelling through a city in India. Her favourite page is of a yogi sitting on top of the riksha chanting “om”. I actually love reading it to her because I’ve taught her to sit with legs crossed and eyes closes while chanting om! So sweet and always makes me laugh!

Mini Style

What are your favourite places to shop for your babe?

Mini Mioche, Kol Kid, H&M Organic collection for items I don’t mind her ruining at daycare!

Mom Talk

What advice would you tell your pregnant self?

If you’re suffering from something (pain, lack of sleep, moodiness) just know that like your newborn, it changes so fast and by the time you’ve found a solution for one issue, it will be gone and a new one will crop up!  Try not to resist the rapid changes because it is pretty much preparing you for life with a little one!

What was one thing you thought about motherhood that proved to be untrue?

I think because I became a mom a little later, I saw all my friends go through the experience of motherhood before I became one myself. I actually don’t think there is anything that I imagined that proved to be untrue!

As a working mom, how do you find balance between work and motherhood?

Until recently I was a full time entrepreneur so I was able to choose how to balance those two things vs having an employer impose that choice on to me. I think it is a daily juggle but it is not a daily struggle. I love my work and I love working but I also love love love to spend time with my daughter. When I am at work I feel inspired and engaged and I also feel this sense that I’m working for her. When we are together it is 98% pure joy (because she’s almost three so 100% is impossible-ha!)

Who is your momspiration?

This is going to sound crazy but a few weeks ago my sister and I went to see Jennifer Lopez in concert.  She just turned fifty and I was completely blown away by her energy on stage. And she is not one ounce less with it or cool than she was twenty-five years ago. She brings her kids on tour because it is summertime so they can share in her experience with her. My daughter was involved in my work from the time she was born. I breastfed her in backrooms of retail shops as we set up pop-ups in the front! So I can relate to the idea of finding creative ways to do both.  I also had her when I was forty so tend to look towards “older” Mom’s for inspiration. One of my goals is to redefine what fifty means for women in general and for Mom’s.

Instagram: @wearallyouare


Mom TalkRayna Schwartz