Mom Talk with Alyssa of Random Acts of Pastel


In a few sentences (we know you don’t have much time!) tell us about yourself and your little one…

I’m a writer/blogger/creative living in Toronto with a cat, a dog, and my 6 month old daughter Summer Honey Rose - can’t believe she’s already 6 months! I’m a single mom by choice, which means I used a donor to have a child and start my family on my own. Not to say I won’t meet someone someday, but I was ready to be a mother NOW, so I went for it, and we’re super happy with our little life in our pastel apartment filled with animal friends. 


What is one thing you couldn’t live without as a mom?

Honestly the Happiest Baby SNOO bassinet totally saved me these past 6 months - Summer has always slept really well in it and it has been crucial to my survival, especially being on my own every night! For those that don’t know about it, it’s basically a smart bassinet that reacts to baby stirring with varying levels of noise and motion, so they sleep longer/better. We’ll see if I change my answer in a month now that she’s almost grown out of it and we have to switch to a regular crib. So scary haha. 

What is one purchase that has been the biggest waste of money?

The snotsucker! Everyone told me it was a must but I’ve never touched it - Summer hasn’t been sick at all yet, so maybe that’s why! The ring sling was also a miss for us, I just can’t seem to work out how to use it without feeling like Summer is going to fall out all the time. 

You’ve been there, done that… so what would you say… save or splurge?

Sleepers? Save - they get so dirty and stained so fast! We liked the Cloud Island ones from target that zip from the bottom and come in all sorts of cute patterns. 

Swaddles/blankets? Splurge. I acquired so many cute muslin swaddle blankets before Summer was born and I remember thinking “I’m never going to need all these!” Lo and behold, I use them constantly, everywhere, all the time! They’re great for emergency messes, for naps on the go, and for adding some colour to a photo when need be. Local brand Pehr makes some of our very favourite prints, and Lou Lou lollipop is a close second!

Stroller? Splurge! I did the Bugaboo fox and even though it’s fairly big it’s so good on the ice and the trails in High Park (where we spend most of our time) 

High chair? I splurged, only because the Stokke Tripp Trapp chair grows with your baby and can literally be used their entire childhood. It’s such a good design! That said all of the accessories definitely add up. 

Diapers and wipes? I guess I’m a big splurger, because this one I say splurge too! Everytime I have tried using cheaper diapers and wipes to save money I’ve instantly regretted it due to diaper rashes and leaks. Rascal and Friends, our current brand of choice, isn’t too expensive though - their diapers and all natural wipes are both at Walmart and don’t cost more than any other brands I’ve seen. I guess ALL diapers are generally just pricey! 

Three things that are always in your diaper bag (besides diapers)?

Currently it’s sunscreen (ALWAYS) and a sun hat of some sort, and then a bib - now that we’re into solid food the mess struggle is REAL!


Book Club

What is your favourite children’s book?

Growing up I loved this super fun book called “Applemando’s Dreams” by Patricia Polacco about a boy who’s dreamed turned turned into colourful art that painted the streets of his town. It was magical. As an adult I’ve grown very attached to a book in Summer’s library called “The Diver” by Veronica Carratello, which is about dreams of a different sort. 

Which book could you recite from memory (aka. your child’s fave)?

We read “My Mom is Magical” by Sabrina Moyle every single night and the bright colours seem to really grab Summer’s attention (like mother, like daughter I guess!) 

Mini Style

What are your favourite places to shop for your babe?

Oh there are just too many! I will be the first to admit I went WAY overboard with clothing, and getting Summer dressed each day is actually really stressful because of the all choice and my constant worry she’s growing out of all of it at the same time (spoiler alert, she is!) 

Some of our favourite brands are Hugo Loves Tiki (great mama and baby matching pieces), The Bonnie Mob, Angel Dear for special occasions and Jamie Kay for pretty splurges. Kyte Baby has been our go-to for basics since day one, their material is just SO soft. And then there are a couple incredible Canadian brands too - Ole Baby, Little and Lively, and Ulla and Viggo to name a few!


Mom Talk

What advice would you tell your pregnant self?

Spend more time on you and less time obsessing about your birth - your friends are right when they say birth almost never goes as planned, and all of those hours you spent prepping for labour and delivery will ultimately go out the window. I really wish I had put less emphasis on classes etc and instead gone on more adventures, read more books, and generally soaked up my last months being free. Not that I feel trapped now, but things are definitely different!  

What was one thing you thought about motherhood that proved to be untrue? 

I think how much time and energy I would have to do my own thing. I had this idea that if I worked at home I could keep my business going as usual without needing any childcare - babies just sit with you and play while you work, right? In reality even when I do have free time to get some work done I’m always too exhausted to think straight, and usually I end up zoning out and watching Ru Paul’s Drag Race instead. It’s genuinely shocking how much motherhood takes out of you, yet at the end of the day you’re not even sure what exactly it was you DID. I never could have imagined just how much time/energy motherhood would take up every single day. 

As a working mom, how do you find balance between work and motherhood?

I don’t know if this is a real thing: it may be a myth, like unicorns. I try my best to balance, but when it comes down to it Summer always comes first, without a question, and my work has definitely slowed down as a consequence of that. My search for balance focuses more on living in the moment, stressing less, and accepting I simply can’t do everything. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but I’m also grateful for the excuse to slow down a bit when it comes to my career! 

Who is your momspiration?

I look up to a lot of bloggers who have a similarly cheerful positive stance on motherhood. I love watching super moms like Elsie Larson, Kelly Mindell, Taylor Sterling and Coury Combs sing, dance, play, travel, explore and create with their littles. I get so much inspiration from their adventures with their littles!

Find Alyssa on Instagram and her blog, Random Acts of Pastel
All original photos by Scarlet O’Neill
