Mom Talk with Jen from Clover and Jules


In a few sentences (we know you don’t have much time!) tell us about yourself and your little ones…

My name is Jen and I live in Toronto with my husband, Matt, and 2 kids. Juliette is 3.5 and our little guy Freddy is 15 months!

I’ve always been very creative and loved making things with my hands, so when Juliette was born I started sewing hair bows for her while she napped. After being stopped on the playground numerous times asking where I found them, I decided to open an online shop.

Tell us all about Clover & Jules (the cutest bows and scrunchies in town!):

At Clover & Jules, we make hair accessories for girls of all ages (from newborn through to adult): hair bows, scrunchies, headbands, and hair clips. Every piece is made by hand from start to finish, from high-quality, natural materials. Perfect for making your mama/mini matching dreams come true!


What is one thing you couldn’t live without as a mom?
(your ultimate must-have!)

A good stroller! Living in the city, my stroller gets more mileage than my car. There was a period where my daughter refused to nap in her crib, so I would spend hours walking around while she slept.

 I’ve lugged my stroller on airplanes, through snow, sand, and on hikes. Plus having the underseat basket for groceries or toys has been essential. Hands down the most used item we have!

What are your child’s current faves? 
(if it suddenly disappeared tomorrow - there would for sure be tears!)

Backyard toys have been ESSENTIAL this summer! The simple things get the most use for us: our water table, kiddie pool, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a ball… Since we’re not able to go to playgrounds right now, we’ve been spending tons of time playing in the backyard and having picnics.

What are three things that you take everywhere with you … 
(diaper bag essentials - besides diapers!)

  1. A scrunchie! I’m obsessed with them and always have one on my wrist, or in the diaper bag or stroller. I need to be able to put my hair up and play with my kids or change a diaper.

  2. A soft fabric wrap (like a Solly Baby) . When my second was born, he spent soooo much time in a wrap! I brought it everywhere with me, and wore him constantly so I could easily have my hands free at the park, grocery shopping, etc.. Plus the wrap is so multifunctional - I’ve used it as a blanket on the grass or to keep us warm on chilly afternoons outdoors.

  3. I have a slight obsession with Rosebud lip balm (ie there are about 50 of them floating around the house). I don’t step out of the house without it!

Book Club

What is your favourite children’s book?
(a childhood fave or a post children discovery)

Madeleine was always my favourite growing up, and it brings me so much joy to see my daughter loving it too. We’ve also collected a lot of books in the Little People, Big Dreams series! I love that they teach kids to dream big and work towards achieving their goals, even in the face of adversity.

What is your child’s favourite books?
 (bet you can recite from memory!)

When we’re not reading Peppa Pig books (which is a LOT) one of our favourites is “The Wonderful Things You Will Be” by Emily Winfield Martin. We’ve read it hundreds of times and it’s such a special book.

It’s not a storybook, but another favourite in our house  is “Let’s Find Momo!”, which is a hide and seek book featuring an adorable Australian shepherd.

Mini Style

What are your favourite places to shop for your babe?
(mostly online these days I’m sure!)

A huge majority of my kids’ clothes come from Little White Sneakers. They sell preloved children’s clothes, and I’ve discovered so many new brands through them. The clothes are all high-quality, so even after my kids have grown out of them we can still pass them along to friends or family. I feel like I’m doing something good for the environment too!

Juliette is going through a major twirly dress phase at the moment, so we also love Alice & Ames and The Whimsical Fox for those. Freddy wears a lot of Zara - their boy clothes are the best!

What children’s clothing brand do you wish they made in your size?
(because let’s face it, we’ve all once thought “I wish this came in my size!”)

I’m in love with everything Jamie Kay makes…. The soft colours and delicate floral prints really have my heart. 

Mom Talk

What advice would you tell your pregnant self?
(if only you knew then..)

I would tell myself not to stress about rigid schedules and doing things perfectly by the book, and to go with the flow and let kids do things in their own time. I read a lot of parenting books when I was pregnant, and was convinced that I would have my newborn on a strict sleep schedule within weeks. HA! I wish I could go back and tell myself to relax more, enjoy the cuddles, and let her nap in my arms instead of struggling to get her to nap in the crib. What I would do to have those sleepy newborn days back!

As a working mom, how do you find balance between work and motherhood?
(really is there such a thing?)

Another HA! because I haven’t! Please send me allllll of the tips. I’m not a good multitasker and have found more success with keeping the two separate. Anyone who can work during the day with kids around - you are INCREDIBLE!

Instead, I’ll typically work 2-3 nights per week after the kids have gone to bed. Now that social bubbles have opened up, my parents have started to babysit the kids once per week, which has been a godsend!

If I’m REALLY organized or need to work during the day, I’ll try to break up big tasks into several small increments (10-15 mins each)  that can be scheduled throughout the day. While my daughter is colouring or making a craft, I’ll print out shipping labels or cut fabric. By completing 2 or 3 of these micro tasks throughout the day, I find i can accomplish quite a bit!

Who is your momspiration?
(it can be more than just one because there are so many superstars out there!)

There are so many great ones out there! Definitely my mom, who encouraged my love of crafting and reading, which has shaped me into who I am today. Looking back to my childhood, I am baffled at how she worked a demanding full-time job, shuffled my sister and me to all of our activities, and still made a homemade dinner every night. A true superwoman!

What has been your pandemic saviour?
(we need all the sanity tips!)

I’ve been fortunate to have my husband working from home during the pandemic, which has given me new freedom to prioritize my health. More than ever, I’ve been able to exercise consistently every morning (either a run, online HIIT class, or long walk) which has been essential for my mental health. 

For the kids, we’ve discovered some great Youtube videos! Almost every day we do Cosmic Kids Yoga together - the host has different themes, like Frozen or Moana, and it’s a fun introduction to yoga for them.

Follow Jen on Instagram: @cloverandjules and visit her shop website:
